Archive for category: News

“No Riders” on goat trucks and farm equipment continues to be a hot topic!
The summer is the perfect time for tractor training your farm employees (as required by OSHA). This training should include...

If your Contractor’s License (crew leader cards) expire during the summer months
it is better for you to send in your renewal application before you leave Florida for the summer. By doing...

With summer comes our daily thunderstorms and lightning!
Lightning strikes kill 75 – 100 people annually in the United States and we are lucky enough to live and...

Heat and humidity have started their wickedness after a nice, long spring this year!
As the heat index rises with the summer approaching, please remind your supervisors to monitor all workers and make sure...

As we head toward the end of this dismal season let’s not get lazy with safety….
Injuries always pick up at the end of each season due to the heat, our mental tiredness, and a rush...